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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Well, I have sent Chistmas boxes, sent cards, wrapped gifts, turned the gavel over to the next president of the camera club, had a sale at the Christmas Baazar, so now it's back to editing pictures and getting through 5 more cards, before taking off later to spend Christmas (at least some of the holiday) with Windy and family.  So, here are a few images recently looked at.

Monday I heard a teriffic bang on the other side of the house.......I wondered what had fallen onto the roof......and when I looked out the back door, discovered a medium sized hawk had flown right into the storm door.  Now you know I have a piece of wide blue tape on this door because birds have a tendency not to see it, so I guess I'll need to put more up.  Anyway, the bird was really stunned for about 5-10 minutes, long enough for me to shoo the cat away and grab my camera.  I did put some honey water in a spoon and held it out to his beak.  He finally recovered enough to fly to one of the bird stands I have near the feeders, and he was so helpful to pose for a few shots before flying down into the woods.   I'm not sure what to make of this, but he looks to be a healthy hawk.  I've repeatedly attempted to get shots of their flying, and never expected one to come calling!!

1 comment:

  1. What a nice opportunity. How kind of him to pose for you :) My favs are the first and last.
